Thursday, 4 December 2014


Desmawati and friends

All of phenomena in the universe have the basis and purpose. Recently, there has been a recent resurgence in faith-based healing across the world.  Study in Islamabad from 604 patients showed 99.7% believed that leading an Islamic way of life (abstaining from forbidden things e.g. fornication, lie, alcohol, eat dog/frog/pig, cigarettes, illicit drugs etc.) leads to a healthier life. The content about dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited were showed in the Alqur’an (Al-Maidah:5, 3). 95% of the patients believed that praying five daily prayers (sholat) will keep them healthy. 98% believed that listening to the holy Qur’an would help in their healing. 98.8% believed in the intercessory role of prayers by others. 82% believed that giving charity (sadaqah) assists in healing. The best important findings were that 93% wanted to see their physicians/nurse pray for their health in front of them.  88% believed that having a physician or nurse, who is also a God-fearing person, will have a positive impact on their health. In view of the current social/cultural practices, 76% believed that wearing religious inscriptions also helps in healing. The nurse/physician was perceived as an essential factor in the overall effectiveness of healing and prevent complication (Ahmed, Choudry, Alam & Kaisar, 2007).

Explore the worl

Islamic Philosophy and Islamic Praying
Ontology; Islam is monotheistic religion, surrender and submission to will of God. Islam learned about relationship with God (Khalik=creator) and relationship with human being and others in the earth (Makhluk = that are created). God is called Allah by Muslims. Allah created the heaven and earth and the all between of both. Epistemology; There were two phenomena in nature, namely 1) the phenomenon can be thought of by human beings (by logic= philosophical way) and 2) there is no conceivable by man, only with prophetic way. Human as created Allah, obligatory obey to the will of Allah.
Methodology of Islamic Philosophy; Purpose humans are in the world to worship with follow the Qur’an. Qur’an is the word of God (in Arabic language). In the Qur’an explain five pillars in Islam such as: (1) Shahadah: Bearing witness that there is no one who deserves to be worshipped save Allah and that Muhammad (pbuh=s.a.w) is the messenger of Allah, (2) Sholat:  Five daily prayers, (3) Fasty:  Abstinence from food, drink, and sexual intercourse during daytime throughout the ninth lunar month (Ramadan), 4) Thiting: Almsgiving,  5) Hajj:  Pilgrimage to Mecca once in lifetime by those who are financially and physically able. True faith in Islam consists; 1) Faith to Allah. Do not you think of Allah's substance or Allah's matter, but please think of Allah's creation (QH). Just because you cannot see the air, does not mean you stop breathing. Just because you cannot see Allah, does not mean you stop believing, 2) Faith to Angels, 3) Faith to Prophets (Adam up to Muhammad/25 person), 4) Faith to Scriptures (Qur’an, Ingil, zabur, Torah); Qur’an for Muhammad, Ingil for Isa, Zabur for Daud, and Torah for Musa), 5) Faith to day of judgment (here after, rise of humanity), and 6) Faith to divine predestination, attribute the occurrence of pleasure and suffering to the will of Allah. In the Qur’an, Islam set: 1) all activities of human life (sharia = law system), 2) all human attitudes and behavior (Aqeedah = attitude), 3) everything there is a dhikr and supplications (doa) which is part of the Islamic relaxation (Peter, 2007).

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